Our Vision
We are top choice for applied business education in the Munich Metropolitan Region.
With our focus on applied economic research and education, we already rank among Bavaria's top institutions. But this is only the beginning. Not only will we expand our faculty by 30% by the year 2023, we also will raise our quality level and our international reach. We see AACSB accreditation as a cornerstone of outstanding quality and our commitment to continuous improvement – to become the top choice for applied business education in the Munich Metropolitan Region.
We offer a tailored portfolio of innovative programs for high-achieving students.
We constantly review our portfolio of degree programs regarding the evolution of market needs and student interest and adapt our course portfolio accordingly. As a University of Applied sciences we are proud to have a diverse studentship with different backgrounds, ranging from secondary school, second-chance education to professionals without any university experience. Therefore we can count on highly motivated students, willing to achieve their goals.
We provide international experience for success in a globalized economy.
Our students have manifold opportunities and support to connect with universities and companies around the world. Going forward we want not only create a bigger network, but also to intensify these network connections in order to create additional value for us and our stakeholders. Incoming students and international research and teaching exchange are therefore important strategic fields of development.

Prof. Dr. Bernd Scheed
Phone: +49 841 9348-1920
Room: F201
E-Mail: Bernd.Scheed@thi.de