Students go to court

A group of students with their lecturer in front of the Ingolstadt Labor Court

Photo: THI

An exciting day for the students on the Bachelor's degree programs in Business Administration (BW) and International Management (IG) with a focus on Human Resources and Organizational Development: they went on an exciting excursion to the Ingolstadt Labour Court. There, they were able to experience court hearings on topics such as protection against dismissal, severance pay and pay grading at first hand. The students were accompanied by professors Dr. Claudia Lieske and Dr. Michaela Regler. 

Excursions such as these are an important part of studying at the THI Business School in order to provide students with practical examples of what they have learned.

The application period for the winter semester 2024/25 is currently open and applications will be accepted until July 15 via the Primuss application portal. Further information can be found on the Business Administration and International Management study program pages.