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29 Mar

HIT - University Information Day Ingolstadt of the THI


News of the THI Business School

Two pictures: one student in front of a car with a trunk full of presents. Another student holding a gift in her hand

THI Business School students support Santa Claus

To make children's eyes light up at Christmas - this is the goal of Lisa Soldat and Lucia Rattel, students of the Bachelor’s degree program… more
Two garduates holding the certificates in their hands

First graduates in the Master Retail and Consumer Management

Sarah Elgaard Nielsen and Teresa Schauer are among the first graduates ever to successfully complete THI Business School's international Master's… more
Sandra Schels (right) und Laura Klink with brother Martin (middle9 of the St. Franziskus aid organisation.

Students collect donations for the needy

Around 430 euros for a good cause: Laura Klink and Sandra Scheels, students of THI Business School, were able to raise this sum in donations for the… more
A disabled woman holds a hoop while a dog is jumping through

Business student organizes day trip for disabled people

For many years, Alina Nar, student of the Bachelor’s degree program Business Administration at THI Business School, has been involved in the work with… more
Eike-Niklas Jung and Dr. Michael Steinbeck holding the Prize in their hands.

Prof. Dr. Michael Sternbeck involved in the winning concept of the German Logistics Award 2020

The company dm-drogerie markt has won the German Logistics Award 2020, the most important industry award in the world of logistics – awarded by the… more


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