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29 Mar

HIT - University Information Day Ingolstadt of the THI


News of the THI Business School

Darina Oumanski (center) with two women wearing costumes

Career paths: Alumna Darina Oumanski has founded her own company

She knew she wanted to start her own business someday when she was eleven years old. Back then, shortly after the collapse of the Soviet Union, when… more

MVM Students organize the event "Hallertauer Hopfakranzlfest"

At the moment, no one knows whether the event “Hallertauer Hopfakranzlfest” can take place this year in September or whether it will have to be… more

What Artificial Intelligence can do in retail - and what it cannot

The use of Artificial Intelligence in retail logistics offers enormous potential, but it is not a miracle cure. This is the conclusion of Prof. Dr.… more

FIFA 21 gambling for a good cause

Under the title "GamING for Charity", four students of THI Business School have collected donations for the street ambulance St. Franziskus with a… more

New at THI Business School: Prof. Dr. Katharina Schauberger

With the start of the summer semester 2021, a new professor will be teaching and conducting research at THI Business School: Prof. Dr. Katharina… more


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