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29 Mar

HIT - University Information Day Ingolstadt of the THI


News of the THI Business School

Students standing in front of PCO AG roll-up

Practical project: MVM students optimize sales strategy for camera manufacturer

How and through which sales channels can scientific cameras and camera systems from PCO AG in Kelheim be best marketed and sold? This question was… more

Award for Prof. Augsdörfer

His course "Management of Technologies and Innovations" has reached first place in the category "Outstanding Supervision": With this award, the… more
Portraits of Karin Schmidt and Robert Wittmann

Karin Schmidt is the new Dean of Education at THI Business School

The Faculty Council of THI Business School has elected a new Dean of Education: Prof. Dr. Karin Schmidt, Professor of Business Administration,… more
Digital Signage inside the showroom of a car dealership

Digital signage in the car dealership

A digital display panel assigns the designated parking space. The next board informs about the provision of a replacement or rental car. Waiting times… more

Susanne Fischer has received her Ph.D.

Ph.D. with "magna cum laude": Susanne Fischer, former research associate and doctoral candidate at THI Business School, has successfully completed her… more


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