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29 Mar

HIT - University Information Day Ingolstadt of the THI


News of the THI Business School

Prof. Dr. Thomas Becker takes over as head of the THI Language Center

THI's Language Center has a new head: Prof. Dr. Thomas Becker, Professor of Digital Automotive Management at THI Business School, took over from Prof.… more

THI Business School students develop mobility concept for cities in South Tyrol

Bressanone/Brixen and Brunico/Bruneck - in these two cities, students from the Automotive & Mobility Management master's program at THI Business… more
Picture of the newspaper article

Claudia Lieske in an interview with the Donaukurier

"Eight and a half years later I can say from my own life experience that I still don't regret a single day and that I am a professor with great… more
Harry Wagner sits in the TV studio on a yellow chair

"In the future we will have a mobility mix"

Prof. Dr. Harry Wagner, Professor of Automotive & Mobility Management at THI Business School, joined guests from politics and business to discuss the… more

Children craft gift boxes for senior citizens

Upcycling for a good cause: Felix Brückl and Pascal Mößner, two students at THI Business School, worked with a municipal daycare center on a craft… more


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