
Welcome to all English self-learners!

Why is it worth learning English?

As an international language, English is an important part of education and everyday professional life. Mastering the language of Shakespeare actually offers advantages, whether for traveling or communicating with business partners.

Knowledge of English opens the door to Anglo-Saxon culture in Great Britain, the United States, Canada, Australia or New Zealand and the world. Why? Because it allows exchange with anyone who speaks English. And that's almost 1.5 billion people on the globe.

Arguably the most effective way to improve your English is through regular practice. Try to get in touch with the sound and image of language day in and day out and integrate it into your everyday life. For example, by watching films in the original English version, listening to English music or podcasts, reading books in English or having regular contact with native English speakers.

Test as many of these tools as possible for yourself to become more and more familiar with pronunciation, spelling, grammar, vocabulary and English idioms. The best way to master the language fluently is to stay longer in an English-speaking country. But also language trips are a good opportunity to combine the useful with the pleasant.

Learning platforms and apps
  • BBC English language learning site (UK): Probably the best online English Language learning site with a wide variety of topics and levels, contains audio and video clips, Real Player required.
  • Learn English (UK): Excellent online learning site produced by the British Council.
  • Das Amerika Haus: Here you will find an overview of the resources of the Amerikahaus for teachers, pupils and students.
Reading comprehension: online journals, news and magazines
  • The Guardian: Politically left of centre quality newspaper, very good for job advertisements and excellent search archive.
  • The Economist: A political magazine which deals with current events on an international scale. Includes opinions on world affairs.
  • Forbes Magazine: A global magazine focusing on business, investing, technology, entrepreneurship, leadership, and lifestyle.
  • Fortune Magazine: An American multinational business magazine.
  • Der Spiegel International: The international version of Spiegel. Good for Germany-related topics in English.
  • Spotlight online: Magazine produced in Munich for learners of all levels with vocabulary help and activities.


Writing skills: online tutorials and guides
  • Language and Learning Online: Tutorials created by Monash University Australia helping students to write texts for academic purposes.
  • Business Letter Punch: Site gives step by step guide on how to write a successful business letter. Suitable for intermediate to advanced students.
  • Essay Punch: Takes users through the actual steps of writing a basic essay (essay structure/vocabulary/style). Suitable for intermediate to advanced students.


Listening comprehension: videos and podcasts, web TV/radio
  • CNN (US): US, European and Asian versions available.
  • Public Broadcasting Service (US): Private, non-profit media enterprise which offers qualitiy news.
  • National Public Radio (US): Non-profit national radio station.
  • Stitcher (US): Large selection of podcasts for download or simply as an App.
  • Voice of America (US): Podcast, in dem internationale Nachrichten täglich auf Englisch und aus amerikanischer Perspektive wiedergegeben werden. Dabei wird versucht, einfaches Vokabular und kurze Sätze zu verwenden.
  • BBC News Site (UK): Probably the most comprehensive news site, uses Real Player for audio and video clips.
  • The Inquiry: Englisch lernen mit BBC: Zusammen mit Expert*innen wird hier in jeder Podcast-Folge ein aktuelles Thema aus den Nachrichten behandelt und analysiert.
  • 6 Minute English: Englisch lernen mit BBC: In schönstem British English sprechen ein Mann und eine Frau jeden Donnerstag über ein aktuelles Thema oder eine wichtige Nachricht. Die Themen sind interessant, objektiv und gut nachvollziehbar. Außerdem wird versucht, langsam und deutlich zu sprechen und kurze Sätze zu verwenden.
  • The English We Speak: Englisch lernen mit BBC: Ein Podcast, der sich jede Woche drei Minuten lang mit einem anderen umgangssprachlichen britisch-englischen Ausdruck befasst.
  • Spark – True Stories Live: In jeder Folge erzählen mehrere Menschen ihre Geschichte aus dem wirklichen Leben. Jede Geschichte dauert dabei weniger als 5 Minuten.


Grammar/spelling and vocabulary trainer
  • The Online English Grammar: Online grammar handbook. Site is interesting because it is so well maintained and organised. It is easy to find detailed explanations of grammar problems with clear example sentences.
  • Preply: Learning platform for grammar and vocabulary.
  • English Page: Offers a tutorial and an in-depth explanation of grammar points followed by a number of exercises that can be checked immediately.

Neben den sprachenübergreifenden Online-Wörterbüchern wie Pons, Leo oder Linguee finden Sie hier weitere nützliche Links.

  • Cambridge Dictionaries Online (UK): Offers a whole selection of dictionaries (UK), the most comprehensive one is The Cambridge International Dictionary of English, the only disadvantage is that there are no pronunciation audio clips.
  • Synonym: Synonymwörterbuch. Kostenlose Suchmaschine für mehr als 480.000 englische Synonyme.