International Degree-Seeking Students
Are you interested in completing a full bachelor or master degree programme at THI? Understandably, you probably have a couple of questions on how to arrange everything smoothly. We have compiled the most important information for you below.
Please be informed that the International Office cannot provide any advice on how to choose a suitable degree programme or on the application procedure for international degree-seeking students. In case of any questions please contact the colleagues mentioned below.
Here you can find an overview of all degree programmes at THI.
Currently, THI is offering the following degree programmes which are entirely taught in English:
- M. Eng. Automotive Production Engineering
- B. Eng. Autonomous Vehicle Engineering
- B. Sc. Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
- B. Eng. Energy Systems and Renewable Energies
- B. Eng. Engineering & Management
- M. Sc. Global Foresight and Technology Management
- M. Eng. International Automotive Engineering
- M. Sc. Renewable Energy Systems
- M. A. Retail and Consumer Management
- M. Eng. User Experience Design
Are you unsure about which degree programme might be the best choice for you? Or do you have questions concerning a specific degree programme? Our colleagues at Student Counselling will be happy to help.
Be aware: The International Office does not deal with your application. We have no access to your application documents; neither do we have any influence on the outcome of the admission process!
The Service Center Study Affairs is responsible for everything that has to do with application, admission and immatriculation:
Your application was successful and you have been admitted to the degree programme of your choice? Congratulations! Make sure to follow the instructions given in the admission letter in order to accept the offer and to immatriculate within the given deadline. Please contact in case of any queries.
Semester Opening Day
Each semester begins with the semester opening day. The freshers are welcomed by their academic advisor and receive all necessary information about their study programme.
General Information Sessions
Many international students arrive late in Ingolstadt due to visa issues. Therefore, the International Office offers a video conference before the semester starts. Please look for the link in your admission letter. Here you will receive important information on the following topics:
- Information on living in Ingolstadt
- Introduction to THI
- Organisation of studies
- Services offered by the International Office
- Interesting workshops & excursions for international students
- Basics of intercultural communication
- etc.
Please make sure to have a closer look at the further practical information for all international students and join the Buddy Programme