Step 3: Applying at the partner university

Once THI has assigned you a place at a partner university, you have to apply there. The IO will provide you with all the information you need. The application formalities and deadlines may vary enormously among the partner universities.

You will usually find the link to the respective English-language events at the host universities in the profiles on move. Otherwise, you will have to do your own research on the homepage of the host university. Your Learning Agreement (LA) should include 20 - 30 ECTS.

Approved subjects you might wish to take can be found on Moodle under "List of subjects already recognised abroad". If you wish to take subjects which have not yet been acknowledged, a course description in German or English must be submitted to the relevant lecturer who has to sign off your LA. You will find further information about the LA in Step 5: Learning Agreement.

Read through the information provided by the partner university carefully and be sure to observe the application deadline. In case of partner universities outside Europe, you should also take particular note of details regarding fees (potentially payable for fee-waiver places, too!) and health insurance arrangements. Some universities require students to take out health insurance in the host country (esp. the USA and South Africa). In such cases, health insurance taken out in Germany will not be accepted.

The website provides independent information on health insurance coverage during your stay abroad. There you will find:

  • A comparison calculator that allows you to search individually for suitable insurance policies, and
  • information pages that help you to obtain comprehensive information on insurance cover abroad.