THISuccessAI Updates

Train the Teacher

On November 15, 2022, the Kick-Off of the blended learning qualification program "Train the Teacher" took place. The goal of the meeting was to qualify the lecturers in the use of the AI learning platform, as well as in the independent development of learning nuggets for the courses.

After a short presentation of the idea and structure of the THISuccessAI project, the didactic concept was presented. Afterwards, the participants were trained on how to use the already existing Learning Nuggets for their respective courses and how to create new Learning Nuggets of their own. Lecturers were also taught how to support students in using the learning nuggets.

After the kick-off event, the self-learning phase began in a Moodle course specially created for the occasion. In five basic modules, the participants were able to recapitulate and deepen the basics necessary for creating the learning nuggets.  The goal of the assignment was to apply the tool in their own course.

The lecturers were supported by Philipp Söchtig, the Instructional Designer of the project.

A month later, on December 15, 2022, the participants presented their learning nuggets in a peer review format at the final event of the blended learning program. The lecturers were also able to provide feedback on the "Train the Teacher" program format, especially on how to further optimize the involvement of new teaching staff.

We sincerely thank the faculty for their participation and look forward to the additional colleagues in the coming year.

THISuccessAI is a strategic project that applies artificial intelligence in university teaching with the aim of promoting the individual learning of each student in the best possible way.