Innovation Management February/March 2023

The innovation management of the research partnership has made an active start to the new year.

Photo of the participants of the innovation barcamp

The first innovation barcamp took place on February 10th, 2022. A group of participants made up of scientific staff from the research partnership SAFIR devoted a whole day to finding a topic for new research proposals. For this, the innovation manager Teresa Maltry had support from Jan Glaser, managing director of CIHO UG and experienced moderator. Methodologically sound, the SAFIR employees asked themselves which topics are relevant in order to be further advanced in the direction of the research proposal. Own ideas and wishes have also found their place in the evaluation. At the end of the day, three topics were worked out, some of them in an interdisciplinary manner, which will now be pursued further.

Barely three weeks later, the SAFesight future workshop was on the agenda. SAFIR innovation management has developed a concept with the Bavarian Foresight Institute (THI) to address the topic of future mobility in a special way. Using futurology methods, images of the future were developed in three hours, which show mobility in the year 2035 with regard to both aspects of autonomous and shared mobility. The participants came to the conclusion that in 2035 we still have to reckon with a mixed form of mobility that has more or less autonomous components depending on the center of life (city or country). The  methodology and the results of the SAFesight future workshop were presented on March 9th, 2023 at the CoSMoS trade fair at the Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt.