First Ingolstadt Heat Pump Forum at the THI

More than 150 participants from science and industry discussed various aspects of this highly topical subject at the symposium.

THI President Professor Walter Schober welcomed the participants of the Heat Pump Forum (Photo: THI).

Professor Tobias Schrag (2nd from left) heads the EU co-financed project "W3 Wärmewende" (photo: THI).

Presentation of the company VARMECO

Reception team

The panel discussion was followed with great interest by Paul Waning from Bundesverband Wärmepumpe e.V., Danny Günther from Fraunhofer ISE, Andreas Ruhland from Lechwerke AG and Prof. Fabian Ochs from the University of Innsbruck.

Lunch break and networking at the information stands

Talking shop at the InES information stand

Group picture of the project partners

Efficient and environmentally friendly: heat pumps utilize thermal energy from the ambient air, groundwater, or the ground to heat and cool rooms. They play a central role in the decarbonization of the energy supply. While grid integration on the electricity and heat side represents a challenge for grid operators, heat pumps also offer interesting technical possibilities. Experts from various disciplines will shed light on these at the first Ingolstadt Heat Pump Forum.

In his welcoming address, THI President Professor Walter Schober spoke about the potential of these versatile heat pumps: “At THI, we are researching this topic of the future and are considering the entire spectrum of renewable energies. At our Institute for New Energy Systems (InES) and our Sustainability Campus Neuburg in particular, we offer a range of degree programs in this field and are thus training the specialists of tomorrow.”

The "W3 Wärmewende" project (, which organized the conference, is co-financed by the European Union. Professor Tobias Schrag, Institute Director of the InES and project manager, outlined the main objectives of "W3 Wärmewende". These are the optimization of the grid-friendly operation of heat pumps, the networking of stakeholders from different areas, and the targeted implementation of research results in practice. The conference is to be held annually in the future.

You can find the presentation documents here: