Welcome to the Research and Transfer Center Sustainability Neuburg

In view of the dwindling scope for a good life for humans, animals and plants, holistic solutions and cross-system action are required. ForTraNN is actively involved in these processes.

About us


Knowledge Transfer

ForTraNN News

Bild aus einem Workshop, auf dem zwei Teilnehmende und die Leiterin des Workshops zu sehen sind

5 after 12: ‘The Great Transformation III’ encourages a rethink

How can society, the economy, and the environment actively shape the profound transformation? This question was at the centre of the third scientific… more
Zwei Personen bei der Aufnahme einer Videos für das Projekt "Mensch in Bewegung"

Lunch & Learn - Knowledge with a Bite

With Lunch & Learn - Knowledge with Bite, THI is launching a new online format that offers exciting insights into current topics such as artificial… more
Symbolbild Resilienz, Löwenzahn, der Asphalt durchbricht

Resilience – What Can We Learn!?

The term ‘resilience’ seems to be omnipresent. But what is behind this buzzword? At the scientific transfer conference ‘The Great Transformation’… more

Prof. Dr. Uwe Holzhammer at the dena Energy Transition Congress 2024

Knowledge, dialogue and pioneering impetus for the energy transition more

Successful start to the corporate sustainability roundtable

New network for regional companies promotes open dialogue on sustainability issues more
KI-generiertes Bild eines Wissenschaftskinos, dass eine Kinoleinwand sowie Kinobesucher im Freien darstellt, umgeben von Natur, Windrädern und Solarpanals

Shut up, the Second: Science Cinema 2024 Starts

Films, research, questions: This year's THI and KU cinema series starts on the 5th of November at 6.30 pm in the film hall of the vhs Ingolstadt. The… more

SustainED goes Brazil

THI's SustainED team visits partner universities in Brazil more

Behavioural sciences in dialogue with politics and administration

Participation in Behavioural Insights Connect 2024 at the Federal Chancellery more

Electromobility - an important component of the energy transition in the region 10

Lecture at Haus im Moos more
Fünf Personen im Außenbereich des Campus in Neuburg, die vor einer Pinnwand mit unterschiedlichen Tags stehen und dieskutieren

Creative solutions for a sustainable campus of the future in Neuburg

As part of the WaNdel!4 projects, the THI organized an interdisciplinary workshop on climate adaptation at the Neuburg campus together with… more

Our team at Campus Neuburg

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Uwe Holzhammer
Director ForTraNN Sustainability Research and Transfer

+49 841 9348-5025
Prof. Dr. Julia Blasch
Dean of Studies at the Faculty of Sustainable Infrastructure

+49 841 9348-2395
Prof. Dr. Oliver Blask
Vice Dean at the Faculty of Sustainable Infrastructure, Chair of the examinations committee at faculty NI, Academic Director Sustainable Civil Engineering,

+49 841 9348-2394
Prof. Dr. Holger Hoppe
Head of the Sustainability and Environmental Management Program

+49 841 9348-2391
Julia Pfeiffer
Researcher Project Mensch in Bewegung: Sustainable lifestyles and business concepts, sustainable mobility

+49 841 9348-6525
Tanja Mast, M.Sc.
Research assistant Institute of new Energy Systems (InES)

+49 841 9348-6498
Eva Birke
Research Associate SustainED

+49 841 9348-2622
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