Accomodation service and private housing in Ingolstadt

Private housing

For international degree-seeking students can be helpful for finding rooms in shared flats and small flats. Rooms are also increasingly being offered online via (available in German only) or the relevant real estate providers. Please be sure to also watch out for suspicious ads here, unfortunately there are always cases of fraud on these portals.

Please note that you can only apply for a residence permit if you have an appropriate place to stay. Please follow the instructions in this Course: International Welcome Center (Degree Seekers), Section: Ingolstadt: Residence Permit(available for enroled students only) to apply for residence permit.



Offers for Campus Neuburg

  • Student residences directly on campus: here you can find the online application of the Studentenwerk Erlangen-Nürnberg 
  • On our Marketplace you will find offers for student accommodation in Ingolstadt and Neuburg depending on availability
  • There are numerous flats and student flatshares in the immediate neighbourhood of the campus
  • Studienseminar Neuburg: a total of 43 rooms/apartments. Applications can be made using the form in the download area. Contact the property management for more information.