Faculty News

Designers organize Pecha Kucha Night

Unusual perspectives, creative designs, and cool drinks: that's what was on offer at the 4th Pecha Kucha Night organized by the students of the… more

The best of both worlds: THI professor Philipp Tröber gains practical experience at Audi

A new federal-state program, the Professional Tenure Track, has allowed Philipp Tröber to work in Audi's PI team alongside his professorship. He is… more

Cost & Value Engineering Convention 2024 in Ingolstadt

On May 16, 2024, the Cost & Value Engineering Convention 2024 took place in Ingolstadt with over 150 participants and speakers. The conference was… more

From theory to practice: THI professor gains industrial experience at MTU

Anyone aspiring to a professorship at the University of Applied Sciences needs several years of professional experience. To make it easier for… more

Peppi Pelkonen wins Good Design Award

The student of the Bachelor of Technical Design won over the international jury of experts for the prestigious award with her unusual design for a… more

Internship Semester in Spain - Interview with Peter Mengel (WI-Student)

Mona Märkl (WI student ambassador) and Peter Mengel (5th semester WI student) talked about an internship semester abroad. Here is the interview: MM: … more
19 Master's students were given an insight into practice (Photo: THI).

THI analyses LiDAR test devices

LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) is a new technology that is used in areas such as autonomous driving. Testing and validation of LiDAR sensors are… more